I as the admin is very aware that privacy is a very important thing, for you to know include:
- I as the admin stressed that those visiting this blog are free to provide or express comments on what they read through the comment form that has been available, both in the form of questions and so on
- I as the admin, have full authority to publish or not a comment from you with certain reasons.
- Comments that contain sara, pornography, things that smell of violence will not be published, so please comment, by following the rules and not violating the social norms that apply in our country, Indonesia.
- If you have already commented and then have been approved by the admin, then there are certain things that you think are inappropriate, you can contact us directly on the Contact form provided.
- Comments that have been published are entirely the responsibility of the commentators.
- The server that is used by this Web is not a Personal Admin, therefore I as the Admin will not fully guarantee your data, but even so I promise, I will not disclose your personal data both email and so on, unless you violates our privacy or is used for authorized parties for legal purposes.
- For third-party advertising, whatever advertising material that appears, it is entirely the responsibility of the owner of the ad, and it is not our responsibility if the owner of the advert puts up like a Sender in the form of (Request) for example (Ip address) and it can happen without the knowledge of the admin himself.
- In addition, most likely also, a third party or the advertiser uses cookies to capture traces on this site, in order to review all activities that take place. and for now, we only partner with Google adsense
We always have the right to do logging ie log records into log files, for the purpose of our needs. in this case in general either the type of browser, internet service provider (ISP), internet protocol address (IP Address), date or time, how many clicks, and various other information.
If there are other things that are considered important enough to write down, then I will try to add them. for further information please contact